

COP28 国連気候変動枠組条約第28回締約国会議

The 28th UN Climate Change Conference
of the Parties (COP28)

Environmental Restoration Efforts and Reconstruction Progress in FukushimaThe 28th UN Climate Change Conference (COP28)

Recycling and final disposal

Recycling and final disposal

Technologies for reducing waste volume are under development and projects related to recycling are being carried out for the final disposal of removed soil and other materials generated in Fukushima Prefecture to outside the prefecture.

Necessity for Recycling Removed Soil

Amount of removed soil and waste
transported to the Interim Storage Facility:
Equivalent to volume of 11 Tokyo Domes*

Toward final disposal outside the prefecture:
Reducing the final disposal volume is key

*Excluding difficult-to-return zones

Technology Development Strategy for Volume Reduction and Recycling

In promoting volume reduction and recycling, specific efforts are being made in accordance with the “Technology Development Strategy for Volume Reduction & Recycling of the Removed Soil and Waste under Interim Storage" and the “Process Chart," which were formulated in 2016 and reviewed in 2019.

Outline of “Technology Development Strategy for Volume Reduction & Recycling of the Removed Soil and Waste under Interim Storage”

Demonstration Projects in the Nagadoro District of Iitate Village

  • The radioactivity in general food was well below the standard value of 100 Bq/kg.
  • The monitoring results to date have shown no increase in air dose rates, etc. caused by the recycled materials, confirming their safety.
  • Progress of recent projects:
    • ⑴ Agricultural land development: From April 2021, large-scale agricultural land development (approx. 22 ha) using removed soil (approx. 230,000 m3) started.
    • ⑵ Paddy field tests: Since FY2021, tests have been conducted on the functions required of paddy fields (permeability, soil strength, etc.,) and it was confirmed that the results were generally within the standard range.