

COP 26 国連気候変動枠組条約第26回締約国会議 脱炭素社会実現に向けた福島の取組と復興のあゆみ

東日本大震災から10 年。

10 years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake.
As a result of the accident at the Tokyo Electric Power Company’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, large amounts of radioactive substances were released into the surrounding environment, resulting in an exceedingly large impact over a wide area.
During these 10 years, the Ministry of the Environment has worked on a decontamination and environmental restoration project with a scale and methods never seen in the world before.
We are also carrying out the Fukushima Restoration Future-Oriented Project, which is a new stage of the recovery in Fukushima from the perspective of the environment.
This page describes the history of the Fukushima’s recovery and the programs for creating a carbon-free society.

2011 3.11→


On March 11, 2011, Fukushima was struck by the Great East Japan Earthquake – a disaster unparalleled in the history of Fukushima, and by the resulting accident at the TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. Through the unsparing efforts of many people, the deeply damaged environment of Fukushima is gradually showing signs of recovery. The future also holds advanced environmental programs centered on achieving zero carbon emissions. It is the deep love that the people of Fukushima have for the environment which drives us to accept these new challenges.
This video tells the story of Fukushima from 2011 to the present and into the future using live images.

被災地が向き合ってきた軌跡 ~定点撮影動画~

The Path Taken by a Disaster-Affected Area:
Videos Shot from a Fixed Location

東日本大震災後の風景の移り変わりを、報道カメラマンたちが同じ場所から同じアングルで撮影し続けました(テレビ朝日 東日本大震災 復興応援映像プロジェクト「●REC from 311~復興の現在地」)。

Since the Great East Japan Earthquake devastated northeastern Japan on March 11, 2011, the TV Asahi camera crew have continued shooting video in the same spot from the same angle to thoroughly keep track of changes over time. This is a culmination of their efforts.(●REC from 311 - Overcoming Japan’s Biggest Quake)



History of Environmental Restoration



Here we present an overview of the 10 years of Fukushima’s recovery – a continuing project that has involved the use of advanced technologies and extraordinary efforts by large numbers of people. Although the recovery has encountered many difficulties, Fukushima continues to make steady progress one step at a time.

We would like as many people as possible to know about Fukushima as it creates a strong path forward, believing in the promise of tomorrow.
Based on these ideas, here at the 10th anniversary we present an overview of the recovery programs in Fukushima.


福島 環境再生100人の記憶

Fukushima Environmental Restoration:
Recollections of 100 Persons


As we reach the 10th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station we have published Fukushima Environmental Restoration: Recollections of 100 Persons in order to record the conditions at the time of the disaster, the subsequent recovery, and the Fukushima of today.
It contains the stories of 100 persons (or groups) who have been involved in environmental restoration and local recovery in a wide range of positions. This website introduces a number of these valuable memories which must not be allowed to fade.

Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050


Programs for Zero Carbon Emissions
(Fukushima Prefecture, Okuma Town, Namie Town)


In order to create a sustainable economic society where future generations will be able to live comfortably and safely, it is essential that entities of all kinds, sparing nobody, work to achieve a zero carbon society.
In February 2021, Fukushima Prefecture declared its intention to be carbon neutral by 2050, and is carrying out programs aimed at combatting global warming.



Stories of Okuma Town and Namie Town

  • 福島県 大熊町

    Okuma Town, Fukushima Prefecture


    Okuma Town is located in the north of Fukushima Prefecture Hama-dori District (coastal area), and includes Mt. Higakure – selected as one of the top 100 mountains in the prefecture, and an ocean swimming beach. In addition to marine produce, it is also known for pears and other farm produce grown in its expansive natural environment.
    The town is making progress towards achieving zero carbon emissions. It has adopted “Zero Carbon” as a core principle of the recovery, and in 2020 issued the Zero Carbon Declaration. In the following year, it formulated the Okuma Town Zero Carbon Vision which aims to eliminate carbon emissions by 2040.

  • 福島県 浪江町

    Namie Town, Fukushima Prefecture

    近年では、「FH2R 福島⽔素エネルギー研究フィールド」をはじめとした研究および実証など、脱炭素に向けた取組も推進しています。

    Namie Town is located in the north of Fukushima Prefecture Hama-dori District (coastal area). It is bounded by the sea, mountains, and rivers, and is home to a rich natural environment as well as famous products such as traditional Obori Soma-yaki pottery and delicious fried Namie Yakisoba noodles.
    In recent years, the town has been working towards achieving zero carbon emissions, including a range of research and verification projects centered on the FH2R Fukushima Hydrogen Energy Research Field.



Chronology of the Recovery in Okuma Town and Namie Town


It has been 10 years since the disaster.
Here we introduce the chronology of the recovery in Okuma Town and Namie Town.